The Matrix Concept
Fundamentals of Matrix Rhythm Therapy
written by Randoll, Ulrich G.
A Therapy Concept for the 21st Century
This book deals with a theme that is of great current interest. State-of-the-art results of medical research and the natural sciences are combined with extensive experience, traditional knowledge and historical perspectives to define a “new way of thinking” which is destined to transform basic concepts and established models in medical practice and many other areas.
39,80 € inkl. MwSt.
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Auflage: 1, 2014 | Seiten: 214 | Flexocover | zweifarbig | Abbildungen: 35 | ISBN: 978-3-86401-041-5
A Therapy Concept for the 21st Century
Starting from an overview and critique of the current situation in medical science and healthcare policy today, the book sets forth on the path toward a new understanding of health and illness.
The Matrix Concept was developed on the basis of modern research in medicine, biology and physics. In this new model, illnesses are understood as “derailed” processes at the cellular level. The result is an approach to therapy which aims at restoring healthy physiological conditions first and foremost by improving the “logistics” of the living process at the cellular level. This improvement of cell logistics, achieved with the help of Matrix Rhythm Therapy, in turn provides the basis for self-organization and self-healing without any side-effects. Vibrational energy, supplied from the outside and tuned to the frequency range of natural cell rhythms (microvibrations) activates and restores the healthy spatial-temporal ordering of the living system via the mechanism of “entrainment” of oscillations. This constitutes a kind of “quality management at the cell-biological level”.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy, developed by Dr. Ulrich Randoll at the University of Erlangen/Nuremberg, Germany, is a creative and vitally important innovation in the efficient treatment and prevention of a wide variety of medical conditions, especially those connected with disturbances in microcirculation and including illnesses of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.
The author has succeeded not only in setting forth the theoretical basis for a systemic therapy concept, but also in providing an in-depth scientific evaluation of the new approach. The door has thereby been opened for a new, expanded conception of medicine reaching far into the 21st century.
Über den Autor
Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll studierte an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität in Frankfurt/Main Humanmedizin und Zahnmedizin. Nach Beendigung des Studiums wechselte er an die Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg in die Kieferchirurgie und Unfallchirurgie. Seit 1999 in eigener Privatpraxis mit Matrix-Center in München. Als Auditor für das Gesundheitswesen; Qualitätsmanagement TÜV-CERT und in der Forschung aktiv zu der Thematik: Bio-physikalischen Grundlagenforschung. Fragen auf Ebene der funktionellen Architektur von Zelle und extrazellulärer Matrix (Raum-Zeitmuster) sowie »zellbiologischen Qualitätsmanagements«. Ziel: Verbesserung klinischer Therapiestrategien und Therapiemethoden.